“Building bridges and forging partnerships in regional energy”

The Bosphorus Energy Club is an exclusive membership-only gathering of the key shakers and movers in the energy and geopolitical world of Eurasia, the MENA, the Gulf, and Southeast Europe. It serves as a Track-II energy diplomacy channel as well as a discreet but powerful summit of the top decision-makers for regional issues.and projects.

Yeni Enerji Oyunu: Hazır mıyız? | Mehmet Öğütçü | Businessweek Dergisi

Yeni Enerji Oyunu: Hazır mıyız? | Mehmet Öğütçü | Businessweek Dergisi

www.businessweek.com.tr | 06 Temmuz 2015 Mehmet Öğütçü | Bosphorus Energy Club Başkanı Hiç kuşkusuz, enerji olmadan çarklar dönmüyor. Eksikliği  ya da azlığı,  fiyatının iniş çıkışı, sübvansiyonunun kısılması iktidarları devirebiliyor. Enerji kaynakları üzerindeki rekabet, sınır ihtilafları, boru hattı güzergahları ve münhasır ekonomik bölgelere girişçıkış, komşular ile sıcak çatışmalara ya da jeopolitik gerilimlere yol açabiliyor. Enerjinin “yumuşak...
What does the future hold: Cables or pipelines?

What does the future hold: Cables or pipelines?

Hürriyet Daily News | July/06/2015 Mehmet Öğütçü and Julian Popov* When we talk about energy cross-border infrastructure or energy security we usually focus on pipelines, tankers and increasingly on liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers and terminals. The world of energy however is transforming fast and there is a good chance that high voltage power cables...
Designing a new EU-Turkey strategic gas partnership

Designing a new EU-Turkey strategic gas partnership

 www.bruegel.org | 2nd July 2015 by Simone Tagliapietra and Georg Zachmann The European Commission’s February 2015 Energy Union Communication calls for intensified work on the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) and the establishment of a new strategic energy partnership with Turkey. The presence of the European Union and Turkey in the region is complementary in a number...
EU needs Turkey for full Southern Gas Corridor, say experts

EU needs Turkey for full Southern Gas Corridor, say experts

www.naturalgaseurope.com | July 03rd, 2015 There is room for cooperation between Turkey and the European Union, but opportunities might easily fade away in the event of a sustained low-trust environment, where a weak engagement strategy and slow decision processes might reduce the scope for the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC). In other words, if Ankara was treated...
"Kızıl Kapitalist" yeni süper güç olma yolunda

“Kızıl Kapitalist” yeni süper güç olma yolunda

Capital Dergisi | Temmuz 2015 Sayısı | Enerjik Bakış Köşesi |  Mehmet Öğütçü |  Dünyanın ikinci büyük ekonomisi olan Çin, gezegenimizdeki her 5 kişiden birini barındırıyor. Bu dev ülkenin, ekonomik açıdan pek yakında dünyada ilk sırayı alması neredeyse kesin diye düşünülüyor. Günümüzün en büyük taciri olan Çin, en fazla doğrudan yabancı sermaye çeken ve gönderen ülkelerin...
Öğütçü Bloomberg HT'de enerji gündemini değerlendirdi

Öğütçü Bloomberg HT’de enerji gündemini değerlendirdi

29 Haziran 2015 | Fokus Programı Bosphorus Energy Club Başkanı , 29 haziran 2015 günü Bloomberg’de yayımlanan Fokus Programı’nın konuğu oldu. Çin’in İpek Yolu koridorlarından, Rusya ile Türk Akımı projesinin geleceğine; Irak Kürt özerk yönetim bölgesi petrolünden, gündemdeki enerji politikalarına pek çok soruyu yanıtlayan Öğütçü’nün değerlendirmelerini buradan izleyebilirsiniz.
Iran looks to energy reserves for post-sanctions influence

Iran looks to energy reserves for post-sanctions influence

BBC News | 5 June 2015 By Richard Anderson |  Iran is a bona fide superpower in global energy markets. Or rather it would be if reserves in the ground were the measuring stick. Taking oil and gas together, only Russia can boast of greater riches. The potential to be a major gas exporter, then, is...
Rebalancing China’s Energy Strategy

Rebalancing China’s Energy Strategy

www.goldmansachs.com | January 2015 Paulson Papers On Energy and Environment Damien Ma At a high-level meeting of China’s top finance and economics body in June 2014, President Xi Jinping called for a sweeping energy revolution in China, centered on five areas: demand, production, technology, institutional governance, and global markets. The exclusive focus on energy was unexpected...
Russia's high-stakes game in Iraq: Expanding their role in the Middle East

Russia’s high-stakes game in Iraq: Expanding their role in the Middle East

Second Life Of Defence | 2014-01-19 |  By Stephen Blank |  Ten years after the American invasion Iraq is in danger of disintegration.  Its stability cannot be taken for granted or even assumed. Evidently Iraq is not far from being a failed state and Syria is already deep in the throes of protracted civil war. Both...
Yunanistan Türk Akımı'na dahil oldu

Yunanistan Türk Akımı’na dahil oldu

Hürriyet – (A.A) – | 20 Haziran 2015 Rusya, Türk Akım boru hattı projesinin Yunanistan’a uzatılması için Atina ile hükümetler arası anlaşma imzaladı. Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin geçen sene Türkiye’ye yaptığı ziyarette Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ile Türk Akımı projesine son hali verilmişti. Anlaşmanın imza töreninde konuşan Rusya Enerji Bakanı Alexander Novak, Yunanistan ile hatta eşit...
TR güneşle bölgesel enerji gücü olabilir

TR güneşle bölgesel enerji gücü olabilir

Enerji Günlüğü – 21.06.2015 |  GÜNDER Başkanı Dr. Kemal Gani Bayraktar, Türkiye’nin sahip olduğu potansiyelle güneşten elektrik enerjisi üretimi alanında bölgesel bir güç olabileceğini söyledi. Bugün (21 Haziran) dünya güneş günü. Bugün Kuzey Yarımküre’de en uzun gün yaşanacak. Uluslararası Güneş Enerjisi Topluluğu Türkiye Bölümü (GÜNDER) Başkanı Dr. Kemal Gani Bayraktar, 21 Haziran Dünya Güneş Günü dolayısıyla...
Turkish Stream: Realities Behind the Big Pipeline Project

Turkish Stream: Realities Behind the Big Pipeline Project

The Energy Exchange  |  27‐29 January, Vienna, Austria 8th European Gas Conference  | John Roberts |  Session Facilitator: John Roberts, Energy Security Specialist, Methinks Ltd. Roberts introduced the session by saying that Russia was serious about “Turkish Stream” and that he considered it most probable that the first two strings of this proposed four‐string, 63‐bcm/y system would be...
Turkish Stream and the EU Security of Gas Supply: What's Next?

Turkish Stream and the EU Security of Gas Supply: What’s Next?

www.europeangashub.com  | 06/05/2015 by Manfred Hafner and Simone Tagliapietra Introduction On December 1, 2014 Russian President Vladimir Putin surprised the energy world by announcing, during a state visit to Turkey, the demise of the long-planned South Stream pipeline project and the launch of a new project to evacuate Russian gas to Turkey and South-East Europe bypassing...
Energy Perspectives

Energy Perspectives

Statoil | June 2015 Eirik Wærness, Chief economist Long-term macro and market outlook June 2015 2015 is an important year. It will give signals about global decision makers’ ability to agree on an effective climate policy that might lead to real progress, or not. We might see Western sanctions against Iran lifted. Relations between Cuba and...
Iran and Russia: A new alignment?

Iran and Russia: A new alignment?

www.NEWSBASE.com| May 2015 A NewsBase Research Briefing   Iran is home to around 34 tcm of gas, but at present it lacks extra production capacity for export. FOR the past 30 years, Iran has lived in a more or less self-imposed geopolitical isolation. From Tehran, the view has been of a hostile US, its no-less...
The Outlook for Azerbaijani Gas Supplies to Europe:

The Outlook for Azerbaijani Gas Supplies to Europe:

The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies | June 2015 Gulmira Rzayeva, OIES Research Associate The Outlook for Azerbaijani Gas Supplies to Europe: Challenges and Perspectives Azerbaijan’s gas sector and gas production is dominated by one giant field, Shah Deniz, which is currently producing around 9 bcm/a at its plateau level. The next phase of development of...